How to cook
Heat by steamer
- Boil water in the steamer
- Remove outer pouch
- Place products into a stramer. No thawing is needed
- Cover and steam (100*C) for 6-7 minutes. Carefully remove from steamer and serve immediately
Heat by Microwave
- Cut a little corner plastic bag.
- Put the whole package with facing up into microwave and heat for 2 minutes at 800 watts.
Keeping Direction
- Keep in the refrigerator at freezer box -18°C or below
- Don’t re-freeze after defrost
Plant-based protein
Riceberry Dumpling Sheet
Yam bean
Spices :
- Onion
- Coriander root
Seasoning :
- Can sugar
- White Pepper
- Shiitake mushroom flavor powder
- Yeast extract
Potato starch
Tapioca modied starch
Fried garlic oil
Powdered cellulose
Food additives : E1420, E1442
Allergens :
- Gluten
- Soybean