KROP in Danish means “body” and its homonym with “CROP”, which in English means “seedling”. Therefore, KROP means the cultivation, nourishment and includes the plantation of seedlings together. We conserve and develop the environment to make our world to be abundant and healthy. Accordingly, we focus to develop a tasty menu made of eco-friendly and nourish ingredients without meat and essential for the body to help not only you but also the world to be healthy, nourished, and strong with all tasty meals.
“Not just a meat, but whole plant-based”
Plant-Based Meat is the meat consisting of 100% vegetable and fruit by food processing to create taste and texture as similar as real meat. Basically, we gather various kinds of vegetables and fruit together with the extraction of various plants then mix it through the food processing until it is colorful, juicy, and tasty as similar to real meat. This is the new food trend, which is healthy and reduces animal abuse, and becomes popular especially abroad.
See all productOUR MISSION
Our mission is to create a menu from eco-friendly ingredients by aiming for the increase of open-minded consumers on plant-based food to reduce the animal and pollution of air, soil, and water. As the world can compare with our body, we must take care and protect it.
Only having a meal could change the world.
KROP’s menu is not only good for our health but also good for the world’s health.
Complete nutrition
Synthetic meat (Plant-Based Meat) contains almost complete nutrients and is similar to real meat. It contains both protein and fat from the natural extracted oil which has cellulose, sodium, and nutrients including hemoglobin which is exactly similar to real meat. It is made of 95% plant and the rest is from nature which the nutrition is equivalent to the real meat.
Synthetic meat (Plant-Based Meat), more than the complete nutrients, is health-friendly as the ingredients of it are vegetables and fruits so it fulfills fibers, vitamins, and minerals that people currently lack. Also, plant-based meat contains low fat, non-cholesterol, and is easy to digest so it does not harm the digestive system.
Safe meal
Having Plant-Based Meat shall be highly safe because it does not have problems of mixed-poison in meat, non-standardized meat, the disease from the meat, or even sickness from the fat. However, Plant-Based Meat is made from the vegetables and mixtures of natural extraction which has been researched and planted safely.
Protect Environment
Synthetic meat (Plant-Based Meat) is made of plant and nature extraction ingredients that do not cause environmental problems because no livestock or animal raising including the natural disturbing production which helps to reduce CO2 gas and animal killing as well as increase the space of organic agriculture and general agriculture. It restores the abundant environment.